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Hello, everyone! First off, thank you so much for all of the ways that you have supported me, prayed for me, and reached out and encouraged me in the last 11 months and the months before I left too! It means more than I can express! 



My squad returned back to America on June 23rd and then had one week of a debrief stateside with our squad before parting ways on the 30th of June. It was a bittersweet goodbye to the people who I have done life with for the last year. We have a lot of memories and time spent together walking through the joys and the challenges of life. It has been a transition from having these people around me 24/7 to being spread out all across the country. I know that I will always have this bond of this shared experience together as an M-Squad family. 

Saying goodbye to my last team- Team Lemons!

After our final debrief I flew to Phoenix, AZ to meet my sister who drove down to pick me up and to see some friends from there. My sister and I then drove up to Prescott and on to Fresno. After having some car troubles in Southern California we eventually made it up to Redding, CA. From there, my family and I traveled to Ohio, Kentucky, and Texas to see family, many who I haven’t seen in years. It was so good to see a few of you on this trip!

The day after arriving back in California I had some pain that progressed more and more in my side and back and went to the doctor to have them explain that I had kidney stones. After just over a week, I am feeling much better and the pain has subsided. 

Next week, I will be heading up to Oregon for 4 days to be a camp counselor for middle school girls. Please pray for these girls to encounter the Lord in powerful ways!

On August 9th, I will be heading back to Georgia (the state) for a squad reunion in Florida and then back to Gainesville for….




Yes, that’s right, I will be going back out and squad leading for a Gap Year Program with Adventures in Missions. The Gap Year model is for 17-20 year old students and we will head to 3 regions in 9 months. 



I will be a part of J-Squad! I am so excited to get to know the approximately 40 students who are a part of J-Squad. 

I will be in Gainesville, GA for about 6 weeks which includes 2 weeks of Squad leader training, 4 weeks of training with everyone, and 2 weeks with a Samaritan Purse Outreach before heading out internationally mid-October. We will be heading to Guatemala, Romania, Eswatini, and South Africa, spending about 2 months in each region. 



This also means that I am fundraising again. I will be needing to raise $6,000 to go back out for the next 9 months. This includes food, lodging, flights, transportation, and all of our squad debriefs as well. Would you consider partnering with me again in prayer and support?



  • Please pray for J-Squad that we would seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)

  • That J-Squad would abide in the Father and love each other out of an OVERFLOW from the Father (John 15)

  • Preparation to go back out again and for the rest of the squad as they prepare, pack, and say goodbyes to family and friends

  • Boldness and the words to “boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19)

  • Squad and Team Unity (Ephesians 4:1-3)

    • “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 

  • Wisdom to lead well for myself and for the other 5 squad leaders and that we would be dependent on the Lord. (James 1:5)


I want to continue to tell the stories of what the Lord did in the last few months, so keep a look out for some stories from Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, and Romania Round 2 in the future!


Love you all!



9 responses to “I’m Back…Going, Going, Going… & Here’s What’s Next”

  1. Many thanks for the interesting update on your travels & what is going on with the Squad & the next adventure. It was good to have you & family stop by for the short visit. Boy….home grown tomatoes are the best. Still have a few left. You & the Squad take care & stay healthy. LOVE & Prayers to you ALL. Bill.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to visit us Elizabeth!! So glad to hear you are healthy again. Love you much!

  3. Amazing news, Elizabeth! I look forward to hearing your updates through your next adventures with the Lord and His people and those He wants to reach through J-Squad! Blessings, my friend!

  4. Elizabeth, Sorry that you have had kidney stones but glad that you are better. It was so good to see you when you were in KY. You are always in my prayers. I look forward to seeing what God is doing in this new chapter in your life! Love you!

  5. Thank you for reading! Yes, it was good to see you, even if the visit was brief. Hopefully, I will see you again before I leave Redding!.

  6. Thanks for letting us come and visit you! It was so much fun seeing you again. Love you!

  7. Yes, I am very glad that we got to see you while we were briefly in KY. Thank you for praying!

  8. Elizabeth,

    Wow…so cool to read this all. Sounds like you had an amazing year and now you will be leading the next group. Love it! My wife Susan and I are going to be coaches with you. Can’t wait to meet you on Thursday.