Due to the nature of the country of Turkey, I have to be pretty vague regarding our time there. Here are some poems that I wrote during our time there to give you a glimpse into some little “snapshots” of my time in this beautiful country.
(This is my friend April and I on a ferry)
February 16th, 2022– It’s Okay to be Full
It’s okay to be full. Full of the ideas from previous days, emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It is okay to dream and to feel and bring me everything.
Please bring me everything. Hold nothing back.
I don’t hold back from you.
Your ability to come to me each morning and listen to my voice does not need to be a certain way. It can look different. Some days it is smooth and others are weighty, but each is an encounter.
You will always encounter me, but vulnerability is required.
Vulnerability is needed. Trust me with your emotions. I made you and I know you.
Trust me to see beyond what you see. To know you better than you even know yourself.
Come to me and you will find me.
Seek me and you will encounter me. I am ready and waiting.
Ready to be encountered by you.
February 18th, 2022– Nightly Rhythms
The world is quiet at 1:15 in the morning.
Lights all out but one in the kitchen
One is a awake listening to the sounds this house makes at night when most of the world slumbers
A steady and consistent rhythm of dripping in a metal sink from a broken faucet mixes with the swish-swish, churn-churn of a washing machine mixing and swirling together
From other rooms come sounds of heavy breathing, the consistent reminder of in and out, in and out breath that fills the lungs and then is expelled. In and out again and again.
The necessary and often overlooked rhythms of life.
The one awake sips a cup of tea sweetened with honey in an attempt to calm the persistent cough that racks her body.
Tea is a brief interlude in a restless night. Awake and reminiscing with sounds of music from previous seasons past.
The cycle of laundry spins loudly, resumes swishing and then is quiet for a moment before it begins again.
So many cycles in life.
The cycles of breath in our lungs, the restoration process from dirty to clean, the seasons of the trees all are reminders of elements of time.
Time is short and essential
Time is unpredictable
Time is a gift
Somethings take time and processes that can’t be rushed
There are seasons of time. Time for preparing and rest where there is stillness and pause
A time for work, preparing and planting to yield
A time for harvest and growth, fun, and frivolity
A time to shed and remove the unnecessary.
A time to let go in order to start again.
(I was sick for most of our time in Turkey so this was where I would sit in our kitchen)
February 19th, 2022– Split Second Eye Contact
Walking down the street in a rush to make our destination on time
Passing shops left and right, intersections, tea shops, pharmacies, and shoe stores
Coming to a main road with the smells of food stands nearby
Waiting for a clear path, we stop then cross
Looking to the left I glance by and make a split second eye contact with you
An intersection of time
All I can see are your beautiful eyes and the outline of your frame covered completely in black cloth.
In your arms, the dark color of your clothing contrasts with a bright pink bundle. A small little girl held in your arms. Wrapped up securely in your embrace.
Approximately the same age, but completely different seasons of life
Your eyes hold my gaze for a split second as we pass by each other on the street going separate directions
Next to you is a tall man with a beard.
The picture of your family lingers in my mind as I continue to walk. I can’t get you out of my mind.
I wonder what your life is like. Similarities in life but differences in culture and faiths
What is your name? What are your fears and struggles? What delights your heart and causes you to laugh relentlessly? What does your heart long to hear? What is it like behind the black cloth? What is your family like? Can I meet your daughter? I wish I could ask you these questions as the thought of you has lingered much longer than a simple split second eye contact. This moment stands out from this intersection of time.
February 20, 2022- Creation Exalts the Maker
Mightier than the waves is His love for me
Whenever I feel lack
Creation reminds me of His delight and His intention
The stars, each created with a name and a purpose to worship the King of Kings. Brightening the night sky with small points of light, the stars and planets shine.
The trees sway and dance with the afternoon breeze
The mountains stand strong in the Majesty of who He is
The sky, a brilliant display of pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows as the sun rises and sets in His splendor.
The tides come in and out, moment by moment consistent, steady, unchanging, powerful and mighty like their Creator
The birds sing, the lion roars, the fireflies dance, the elephant trumpets all revealing the creativity and intentionality of the King.
So when the lies come, creation reminds me of the intentions of the Maker, the love of the Father, the intentionality of the Savior, the presence of the Comforter.
All exudes His Glory.
February 26, 2022– Anointed Authority
One step in front of the other
Saying yes to what you have promised
The Mighty One, the Overcomer
Our firm foundation, when the waters rise and the fire engulfs
You are the ancient of days
The Victorious One
King over all the earth
Worthy of all our praise
You are trustworthy and sovereign
So I say “Yes Lord”
You have my trust and my obedience
Surrender in exchange for more
Your powerful presence.
This, your crazy design
To use imperfect broken things to reflect the greatest beauty
What a conundrum
The King of Glory anoints and gives authority to those who acknowledge their own weakness.
Surrender allows partnership
A commission to bring the anointing and authority to others
The table is ready, the feast is prepared and there are seats ready and open for all to come.
(Olive Trees are my favorite!)
Thanks for reading some poems and thoughts from my time in Turkey. Our time in Armenia is FLYING by! We have about 2 more weeks here and then we will be heading to Romania. We will be heading back to the place we started to work alongside Hope Church in Craiova and help them with their work with Ukrainian refugees. I would appreciate prayer for direction, clarity, and wisdom for me for the future and what comes next after the Race!
Absolutely beautiful and powerful poetry!! Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful, Elizabeth!! Really spectacular capturing of emotions / thoughts / moods / atmosphere… very lovely indeed seeing through your eyes…
So beautifully written! Sorry that you have been sick! Praying for your future endeavors and your safety. Love you!
Such beautiful poetry. If your journal is all like this, you should get it published- it’s real, and so beautiful! Also enjoyed the pics- they were great too!
Love the beautiful and eloquent poems! Made me tear up!
Thank you all!
Thank you for your prayers!
Glad you enjoyed them!